2020 Grants
Early Childhood Initiative
Breath of My Heart Birthplace $31,000 - to support greater pregnancy-care access for vulnerable populations and serve holistic needs of young parents 

Casa, First Judicial District $20,000 - to train and support community volunteers to advocate for the safety and well-being of foster children, with a special focus on babies and toddlers 

Child and Family Development Center $32,000 - to support planning and services for the center’s work with young children and their families 

Child Counseling Center and Play Therapy Institute $10,000 - To support Circle of Security training, including a bi-lingual facilitator

DreamTree Project, Inc. $15,000 - To support the families program that serves pregnant and parenting youth aged 16-24 and their children

ECECD $20,000 - To support the creation of an Early Childhood Equity Council

Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families $15,000 - To support infant mental health services in “Seeds of Hope” children’s program 

First Born of Northern New Mexico $22,000 - To support a specific model of high-quality preventive and intervention home visiting services to expectant parents and families with children up to three years of age

First Born State Program Office at Santa Fe Community College $17,500 - To support expansion of the program, including training and certifying new students to become home visitors

First Steps/Children’s Trust Fund $15,000 - To support early childhood staff’s asset-based capacity development and provide services aligned with the principles of infant mental health 

Food Depot $30,000 - To support the Diaper Depot to supply disposable diapers and parent support materials to vulnerable families

Gerard’s House $20,000 - To support the Nuestra Jornada Young Parents Group as they acquire additional skills to navigate parenthood

Keres Children’s Learning Center $25,000 - To support language revitalization efforts by intentional inclusion of babies, birth to three

La Familia Medical Center $50,000 - To support adjustment of services to telehealth and training and care for their staff

LANL Foundation $42,000 - To support capacity building in Rio Arriba County through strengthening family systems and resources; building skills and technological support for those educating children at home; and nurturing communities’ efforts to increase knowledge about early childhood education and needs

Las Cumbres $80,000 - To support community infant programs in three counties using evidence-based interventions to strengthen families 

Many Mothers $25,000 - To support families with babies 0-6 months with physical, practical, and emotional assistance 

New Mexico Alliance for School Based Health Care $17,000 - To support expectant and parenting teens and their children with access to health care and the policies that will sustain this access

New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty $35,000 - To support legal and policy advocacy expertise to ensure that NM’s babies and toddlers have access to needed programs and services

New Mexico Kids Matter, Inc. $27,000 - To support advocacy work on behalf of abused and neglected infants and toddlers in foster care

New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc.$47,000 To support a pilot project to provide kin and kith caregivers with access to learning opportunities for enhanced toddler development via phone and web-based support

New Vistas $17,500 To support changes needed in early intervention services due to COVID-19 through a combined trauma stewardship and quality assurance approach 

NM Association for Infant Mental Health $17,500 To support expansion of the current safety net and service delivery system for at-risk infants, children, and families through reflective supervision and professional development of the early childhood workforce in NM 

NMAEYC $25,000 To support the early childhood sector through COVID-19 and generate advocacy materials for young children 

Child Advocacy Network $20,000 -To support policy interventions, capacity building, and collaboration with young parents to strengthen their ability to navigate challenging circumstances 

NM DOH-Family Health Bureau $20,000 - To support and address the needs of COVID-positive pregnant women and their families 

NM Voices for Children $45,000 - To support advocacy efforts for maintaining and increasing funding for Early Childhood Care and Education programs and services

Planned Parenthood of NM $20,000 - To support the Responsible Sex Education Institute’s programs in Santa Fe

Presbyterian Medical Services/ Early Childhood Care $25,000 - To support the addition of infant mental health services to address increased vulnerabilities caused by COVID-19 and other stressors

Prosperity Works $25,000 - To support the financial foundation on which limited-income parents can build in order to ensure their children have the assets they need in adulthood

Reach out and Read $50,000 - To support a Reach Out and Read training model designed for resident physicians at UNM Pediatrics Department to teach early literacy and relational health to families of young children

REEL Fathers $11,500 - To support the rebuilding and relaunching of the Father Care program specifically for fathers with infants and toddlers

Santa Fe Birth Center $15,000 - To support the continued creation of a midwifery model of care to provide pregnancy-related and birthing services in Santa Fe

Santa Fe Children’s Museum $25,000 - To support the Wee Explorations camp/preschool and Grab and Go kits for toddlers in Santa Fe 

Santa Fe Community College/Kids campus $17,500 - To support the purchase of outdoor classroom playground equipment and supplies for Kids Campus

Santa Fe Public Library $25,000 - To support early childhood programming and procurement of books and materials for young children
Santa Fe Recovery Center $15,000 - To support the purchase of shade protection for the playground where young children can be with their mothers going through substance use disorder treatment

SFPS-Adelante $25,000 - To support the provision of trilingual case management and community advocacy for on behalf of children 0-3 experiencing homelessness

St. Elizabeth Shelter $11,000 - To support Casa Familia’s work with homeless women and young children

St. Vincent Hospital Foundation $75,000 - To support the expansion of Christus/St. Vincent’s lactation assistance to outpatient services addressing the needs of breastfeeding women with babies 2 weeks to 4 months old

Taos Paso a Paso Network $30,000 - To support early childhood home care quality improvement and networking around home-based care to improve access to early childhood services

TEWA Women United $22,500 - To support the evaluation of virtual doula training for both providers and clients, as well as preparation to offer additional mental health services, including postpartum support and trauma recovery

Twirl Play & Discovery Place $11,500 - To support the community play space and early childhood programming

United Way of Santa Fe County $25,000 - To support home-based care providers by increasing their knowledge of child development and early learning

UNM-Envision $25,000 - To support the education and training of providers in a rural maternity care center on best practices for neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) care

UNM-Family Development Program $40,000 - To support the (co-designed) creation of a Summer Institute for educators in child development that incorporates collaborative leadership, early childhood mental health, parenting and family engagement, and community building 

Western New Mexico University $40,000 - To support the addition of a children’s mental health component to the early childhood services available, as well as strengthen the training and improve the salary compensation scales for professionals in early childhood education

Youth Heartline $17,500 - To support the work in the Eighth Judicial District (Taos, Colfax and Union Counties) to improve family stability, especially for abused and neglected babies and young children

Youth Shelters and Family Services $30,000 - To support comprehensive case management services and strengthen assistance for pregnant youth and young families experiencing homelessness
Invited Grants/Donations
Audubon $15,000 - To support outdoor education programming including field trips, teacher trainings, early childhood education, and community programs

Girls, Inc. of Santa Fe $10,000 - To support low-income, underserved girls develop a positive self-image, healthy relationships, intellectual confidence, and the ability to advocate for oneself and others

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center $15,000 - To advance justice and equity by empowering low-income immigrant communities through collaborative legal service, advocacy and education

New Mexico Early Childhood Funders Group $10,000 - To collaborate with funders in providing COVID-19 relief support to early childhood organizations and childcare

New Mexico Environmental Law Center $15,000 - To support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and frontline communities served by NMELC to have the same clean air, land, and water to which every New Mexican is entitled

New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $10,000 - To defend New Mexico's wilderness, wildlife, and water and to promote public lands stewardship by engaging families in citizen science and volunteer projects

Northern New Mexico College $15,000 - To fund projects through the President's Eagle Fund at the NNMC Foundation, which sponsors direct student support and success efforts

OLÉ Educational Fund $15,000 - To support efforts to organize parents and early educators to provide perspectives that are underrepresented at policy tables, building an issue environment conducive to expanding access and transforming child care jobs into careers with living wages

Somos un Pueblo Unido $15,000 -To strengthen organizing and community education efforts in Santa Fe County

Think NM $10,000 - To support research and advocating for innovative public policy reforms that address serious challenges facing New Mexico, including improving education and reducing poverty

2020 Brindle Fund @ the Santa Fe Community Foundation

In 2020, Brindle Fund supported an array of issues including those related to the environment, the census, panels and conferences, advocacy, and a number of COVID-relief requests that could not have been foreseen. One example is a partnership between Mobile Groceries (MoGro) and TEWA Women United that brought fresh produce and culturally-appropriate food to the Santa Clara reservation during the pandemic. Brindle appreciated the opportunity to partner with these organizations in order to address a critical need.