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Please use a computer to access the portal. Some tablets also work, depending upon the web browser and device. As part of the grant application process, you will also need to be able to attach files.

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Grantee and
Applicant Portal
Use this page to apply for a Brindle grant, update your organization's information, and upload grant reports.
To apply / login

Please use your existing login info below to access our portal. From there you will have the option to apply for funding (if applicable), update information, or see past proposals. If you no longer have your organization's username/password, please contact Mary Nell and Kevin at to reset.

At this time we are not accepting the registration of new organizations. Brindle funds primarily around early childhood through an open RFP process that occurs in August/September with awards announced in early December (see Grant Guidelines).

Computer requirements

Please use a current version of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari to ensure portal pages appear/function correctly (Chrome may be downloaded here). You might need to adjust the browser settings in order to connect to our database (this would be the case if your settings restrict session cookies or JavaScript - how to change explained here). Some institutions, particularly hospitals, use extensive firewalls that can also potentially affect connections - a different computer or network connection may solve if an issue. If you encounter any problems loading or viewing the site please let Kevin and Mary Nell know (email: