Early Childhood Initiative
Breath of My Heart Birthplace $63,000 - to support quality midwifery care to underserved families
CASA, First Judicial District $23,000 - to train and support volunteers to advocate for the wellbeing of foster children, especially babies and toddlers
Child and Family Development Center, San Juan College $45,000 - to support planning and services for the center’s work with young children
Collaborative Teachers Institute $15,000 - to support expansion of the Institute to strengthen the early childhood workforce statewide
Cuidando los Ninos $10,000 - to support pre-school parents to lead advocacy for EC systems with the needs of homeless families
Embudo Valley Library and Community Center $12,000 - to support weekly early literacy program
EnSueños y los Angelitos $5,000 - to support infant mental health professional development
Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families $27,000 - to support “Seeds of Hope” children’s program for kids who have experienced domestic violence
First Born of Northern New Mexico $25,000 -to support home visiting services to expectant parents and families with young children in Mora and San Miguel Counties
First Born State Program Office at Santa Fe Community College $25,000 - to support innovations that build capacity in home visiting practices
First Presbyterian Child Development Center $25,000 - to support training students in EC education through the Aprende program at Santa Fe Community College
Food Depot $40,000 - to support the Diaper Depot to supply diapers and parent support materials to vulnerable families
Gerard’s House $30,000 - to support the Nuestra Jornada Young Parents Group to acquire additional skills to navigate parenthood while grieving losses
Growing Up NM $25,000 - to support home-based care providers in Santa Fe and Rio Arriba Counties
Holy Cross Hospital-Family Navigators $38,000 - to support 2 Taos-based family navigators to connect families with needed medical and social services
Inspire Bilingual Early Learning Center $10,000 - to support Imagine Taos Children’s Museum’s further development and programming
Keres Children’s Learning Center $40,000 (two-year grant) - to support language revitalization efforts by intentional inclusion of babies, birth to three
Kids Counseling, Inc. $15,000 - to support the training of mental health clinicians to provide infant mental health services
La Familia Medical Center $60,000 - to support medical, dental, and care coordination services to expectant mothers and children 0-3
LANL Foundation $85,000 (two-year grant) - to support a tribal early childhood educator pathway
Las Cumbres $90,000 - to support the Que Cute program to support expectant mothers and newborns
Many Mothers $25,000 - to support their trained volunteers to work with families with newborns
Navajo Nation Breastfeeding Coalition $30,000 (two-year grant) - to support doula and lactation support throughout the Navajo nation and urban indigenous communities
New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force $15,000 - to support lactation duration working with outpatient health clinics and childcare centers
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty $85,000 (two-year grant) - to support legal and policy advocacy expertise on behalf of NM’s babies and toddlers and their families
New Mexico Kids Matter, Inc. $27,000 -to support work on behalf of abused and neglected Native American infants and toddlers in foster care
New Vistas $16,000 - to support socialization and peer support services for parents/guardians and their children
NM Association for Infant Mental Health $22,000 - to support training in reflective supervision/consultation and infrastructure support
NM Association for the Education of Young Children $20,000 - to support a regional conference, expanding EC policy to include indigenous, Hispanic, and rural communities
NM Child Advocacy Network $15,000 - to support policy interventions to improve outcomes for young parents and families
NM Voices for Children $50,000 - to support advocacy and policy measures that benefit young children and their families
OLÉ Education Fund $15,000 - to support parents and early educators to be activists for early childhood reforms
Pegasus Legal Services for Children $12,500 - to support their kinship guardianship program and bilingual legal services for children under guardianship
Planned Parenthood of NM $27,000 - to support inclusive reproductive health care and comprehensive sex education programs in Santa Fe
Planned Parenthood of NM $20,000 - to support holistic reproductive health care, including abortion services, through patient assistance funds
Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation $30,000 - to support “Northern Roots: Where Families Eat, Learn and Grow” program to address early childhood hunger
Presbyterian Medical Services/ Early Childhood Care $25,000 - to support expansion of Nature Play Education programming for young children
Prosperity Works $20,000 - to support a savings policy strategy for children such as baby bonds or child development accounts
Pueblo of Pojoaque $15,000 - To support the Family and Children’s Services Department to strengthen services for children 0-3
Queen Bee Music Association $10,000 - to support Queen Bee's “Kids Sing Alongs” with community partners
Railyard Park Conservancy $30,000 - to support the expansion of nature-based play programming for families with young children
Reach out and Read $25,000 - to support services for young children at high-need medical sites in Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Taos Counties
Santa Fe Children’s Museum $55,000 - to support the “Wee Explorations” program activities for 0-3 in partnership with the Santa Fe Public Library
Santa Fe Community College/Kids campus $25,000 - to support the bilingual curriculum at Kids Campus inclusive of children with visual and hearing impairments
Santa Fe Recovery Center $15,000 - to support onsite childcare for mothers with young children undergoing treatment for sobriety
Santa Fe School for the Arts and Sciences $7,500 - to support “Nature’s Playful Touch” program, sensory nature play for children 0-3
Southwest Women’s Law Center $17,000 - to support transformation of the childcare system in NM
St. Elizabeth Shelter $23,000 - to support Casa Familia’s work with homeless women and young children
TBT Fund $30,000 - to support doula services to economically-disadvantaged families in English and Spanish
Twirl Play & Discovery Place $20,000 - to support community play space and programming for young children and their families
UNM-Department of Pediatrics, Division of Adolescent Medicine $29,000 - to support care for newborns and children up to age 3 at risk for hepatitis C in Sandoval County
UNM-Envision $25,000 - to support rural providers on neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) training and care
UNM-Evaluation Lab $6,000 - to support travel and lodging for out-of-town participants at the Summer Institute
UNM-Family Development Program $23,000 - to support opportunities for strengthening early childhood educators’ social-emotional learning capacity
Western New Mexico University $40,000 - to support the program’s infant and toddler teachers in creation of a therapeutic classroom
Youth Heartline $20,000 - to support Safe Exchange and Supervised Visitation Services for young children impacted by parental disputes
Youth Shelters and Family Services $35,000 - to support case management services and strengthen assistance for homeless pregnant and parenting youth
Invited Grants
Audubon $20,000 - to support the delivery and growth of outdoor education programming
Earth Care NM $10,000 - to support youth-led work on climate action
Girls, Inc. of Santa Fe $10,000 - to support staff to work with low-income, underserved girls
New Mexico Immigrant Law Center $15,000 - to support justice and equity in immigrant communities through legal service, advocacy, and education
NM Environmental Law Center $5,000 - to support NM’s marginalized communities’ access to clean air, land, and water
NM Wilderness Alliance $10,000 - to support New Mexico's wilderness, wildlife, and water and promote stewardship of public lands stewardship
Somos un Pueblo Unido $15,000 -to support immigrant workers’ rights and economic conditions in eight NM counties
Think NM $15,000 - to support research and advocacy for innovative public policy reforms including improving public education
In 2022, the vast majority of Brindle Fund support contributed to staff wellness for Brindle grantee partners that had weathered numerous challenges correlated with the pandemic and other related issues. Additionally, support was given for technical capacity-building on skills such as strategic planning and grant writing, as well as for fire relief support to those impacted by wildfires.